YES Forum präsentiert sich als starkes Bündnis der internationalen Jugendsozialarbeit

Zwischen dem 12. und 14. Mai 2014 trafen sich in Oradea, Rumänien, Vertretungen der 18 Mitgliedsorganisationen des internationalen „YES Forum – Youth and European Social Work“. Der Blick zurück auf das Geschäftsjahr 2013 zeigte, dass das Netzwerk erneuert und gestärkt für die neue Förderperiode der EU antritt. Kennzeichen der Zusammenarbeit im YES Forum, in dem die BAG KJS als Mitglied vertreten ist, ist eine aktive Projektarbeit der Mitglieder untereinander. Auf der Konferenz in Oradea wurden die Projektergebnisse zum Thema “Prävention und Bekämpfung von Mobbing unter jungen Menschen“ vorgestellt und ein Blick in die Arbeit der Roma Selbsthilfe-organisation Ruhama Foundation, ebenfalls Mitglied im YES Forum, vor Ort in Telechiu geworfen.

Ein Konferenzbericht in englischer Sprache gibt Einblick in die Arbeit eines starken internationalen Bündnisses der Jugendsozialarbeit:
„“The conference organised to promote the results of the EAN project, funded by the Daphne programme, brought together practitioners, NGOs, and experts to share experience-based knowledge on effective prevention strategies, and approaches on preventing bullying behaviour and promoting inclusive strategies with a special emphasis on Roma people.

During the conference, several presentations were held to draw a picture of the situation of Roma in Rumania, as well as a field trip to the Roma community in Telechiu, a village 20km away from Oradea. A short synopsis of each presentation will be available soon on the website Marian Daragiu founder of Ruhama Foundation spoke about the progress made in the last 6 years, in the Roma community in Telechiu, which a World Bank research placed 2nd amongst the most deprived Roma settlements in Romania.

During the field visit to the community, the members of YES Forum were able to see the progress made, as now most of the families have brick houses with electricity and some even access to clean and safe water. The participants have visited the community centre built in the middle of the settlement, and were presented the various programmes involving the children and the mothers. In different ways, the projects aim to increase school attendance of Roma children. It was encouraging to find out that children of the mothers involved in a project have a higher school attendance, and that in fact all the projects have a successful impact on the development of the community.

YES Forum – The General Assembly
Sterenn Coudray, the chair of the GA, expressed the hope that renewed environments both at European level (a new Erasmus+ programme, European Parliament and European Commission) and within the network itself (new board and members) will usher in concrete and brighter perspectives for the young people in Europe.

During the GA, Annett Wiedermann presented the Activity Report 2013 for the YES Forum secretariat and Sterenn Coudray the one for the YES Forum board. 2013 represented a good year for the network, with positive financial results, superior performance in numerous projects, and a strengthened advocacy role at EU-level. Everything was achieved despite challenging economic conditions and limited staff resources in the secretariat. The negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 impacted the new Erasmus+ programme, delaying the results for structural support. But due to enthusiastic members, a committed board, and motivated staff in the YES Forum secretariat, the network survived when other organisations ceased to exist. During the discussion on the financial report 2013 the members tried to gain a better understanding of the current financial situation of the network. After that the economic plan for 2014 was introduced and approved. Also, the members voted unanimously to accept Together Trust from the UK as a member and to change YES Forum’s legal name to a shorter and more practical version.“

Quelle: A. Wiedermann, Geschäftsführerin YES Forum

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